All pages and patterns of this site can now be translated by using the 'Translate this Page' Gadget at the top of the right hand column of every page. Hopefully this will help many of you who are more comfortable reading in your native language. :D

All patterns are written assuming that the reader has a basic understanding of crochet and amigurumi, IE: working in rounds, sc increase and decrease, basic understanding of construction of the parts.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Spheal the Love

Finally!    I know  -  it's been forever.

This guy is smaller than most of the pokemon dolls I've made.  I really had very little of the blue yarn left,  and I was wanting a small and easy project to 'test' my wrist out before diving head-first into crocheting again.  I think I'll be ok if I take it easy and don't try to do too much at once,  at least so far.

This particular doll will be well suited to the 'advanced beginner' at crochet -  one who's got a few easy projects under their belt,  but looking for some 'new' techniques to do.   Kind of like line dancing - and adding a little extra swish to your skirt when you spin.... it's not hard to do but sure makes you look good on the dance floor  :D

Anyway...  to the pattern,  and as always,  if you notice any typoes or just find yourself a little confused,  post or email me,  I'll get back to you as soon as I can  :D



WW yarn in blue and white
G Hook
10.5 mm safety eyes  (or similar sized shoe button or felt scraps in black)
Scraps of white felt
Yarn needle for weaving in ends


Gauge isn't very important for this project.

This particular doll is rather small,  making it a quick and easy project to accomplish in a day or even an evening watching a movie.    The small number of 'parts'  and the easy nature of the construction makes this an excellent choice for the 'advanced' beginner -  one who has a couple of simpler projects under the belt and is ready to stretch out with a couple of new techniques.

Numbers in ( ) at the end of each round or row indicates how many stitches should be in each round or row.

I would recommend that you join your rounds when crocheting the 'body' of the doll instead of using the 'continuous' rounds method commonly used in amigurumi.  If you do use the continuous rounds method,  your color changes will be very evident and likely uneven.


Begin with white:

Rnd 1:  7 sc in magic ring  (7)
Rnd 2:  *2 sc in each sc - repeat from * around  (14)
Rnd 3:  *sc in next sc,  2 sc in next sc - repeat from * around   (21)
Rnd 4:  *sc in next 2 sc,  2 sc in next sc - repeat from * around  (28)
Rnd 5:  *sc in next 3 sc,  2 sc in next sc - repeat from * around   (35)
Rnd 6:  *sc in next 4 sc,  2 sc in next sc - repeat from * around  (42)
Rnd 7:  *sc in next 5 sc,  2 sc in next sc - repeat from * around  (49)
Rnd 8-10:  sc in each sc around - change to blue in the final sc of round 10  (49)
Rnd 11-14:  sc in each sc around  (49)

If using safety eyes,  they should be placed between rounds 12 and 13 with about 5 sc between them,  however you may wish until you've completed to round 18 or so,  and mostly stuff the body before deciding where to place them,  then finish stuffing and shaping the body after securing the safety eyes.

Rnd 15:  *sc in next 5 sc,  dec over next 2 sc - repeat from * around  (42)
Rnd 16:  *sc in next 4 sc,  dec over next 2 sc - repeat from * around  (35)

Begin stuffing at this point.  Stuff body firmly, without overstuffing.  Shape the body as you go and continue to stuff as you work the remainder of the body.

Rnd 17:  *sc in next 3 sc,  dec over next 2 sc - repeat from * around  (28)
Rnd 18:  *sc in next 2 sc,  dec over next 2 sc - repeat from * around  (21)
Rnd 19:  *sc in next sc,  dec over next 2 sc - - repeat from * around  (14)
Rnd 20:  *dec over next 2 sc - repeat from * around  (7)
F/O.  Weave tail through last round of sc,  pull gently to close.  Secure and weave in end.


In a Magic Ring,  7 hdc,  ch 1,  slip stitch in ring.    Do not join as for a round.   Pull ring tight.   F/O - secure yarn and weave in ends.


Chain 13.   Slip stitch in second chain from hook.  hdc in next chain,  2 dc in each of next 2 chs, hdc in next ch,  slip stitch in each of next 2 chs,  hdc in next ch,  2 dc in each of next 2 chs, hdc in next ch,  slip stitch in last chain.      F/O,  weave in ends.


Rnd 1:  4 sc in magic ring  (4)
Rnd 2:  sc in next sc,  2 sc in next sc,  sc in next sc,  2 sc in last sc  (6)
Rnd 3:  sc in next 2 sc,  2 sc in next sc,  sc in next 2 sc,  2 sc in last sc  (8)
Rnd 4:  sc in next 3 sc,  2 sc in next sc,  sc in next 3 sc,  2 sc in last sc  (10)
Rnd 5:  sc in each sc around  (10)
F/O.  Front flippers are not stuffed.  Flatten and weave in ends.


Ch 15.

Rnd 1:  sc in second chain from hook.  sc in each chain to last ch.   Turn work and begin working down the       other side of the chain.  Sc in each 'loop' of chain to end  Join or mark for round  (28)
Rnd 2-3:  sc in each sc around  (28)
Rnd 4:  sc in next 12 sc,  dec over next 2 sc,  sc in next 12 sc,  dec over last 2 sc  (26)
Rnd 5:  sc in each sc around  (26)
Rnd 6:  sc in next 11 sc,  dec over next 2 sc,  sc in next 11 sc,  dec over last 2 sc  (24)
Rnd 7:  sc in each sc around  (24)
*LIGHTLY* stuff the piece.  Sc evenly across the opening,  keeping your stuffing as evenly distributed as possible.
F/O and weave in the ends.   Using yarn needle and a length of the blue yarn,  create the 'separations' in the tail.  Tug them a little tight to accentuate the divisions. and give some 'curve' to the end.


I always recommend that you pin all your pieces together BEFORE sewing them on,  to ensure that you're happy with placement and sizes.   Once you're pleased with the overall look,  begin sewing your pieces on.

If using buttons or felt for eyes,  place eyes approx as shown.

Sew the 'muzzle' as shown, centered just below the eyes.   Sew ears to the top of the head as shown.

Front flippers are sewn to the bottom of the front of the body as shown.  Tail Fins are sewn to center of back of body.

Cut small triangle shaped pieces of white felt for the 'tusks' and attach to bottom side of curve of muzzle on each side as shown.   Cut four larger and two smaller circles (freehand is fine,  as the 'markings' on spheal are not perfectly round) and sew (or glue) to each side of spheal as shown.  

Using a scrap of dark yarn or embroidery thread,  make two small 'marks' on the muzzle in the center to indicate nostrils.

Spheal and Pokemon are copyright of Nintendo.

This pattern is an original pattern and is © by Linda Potts (January 2011).  Please do not claim this pattern as your own.  If you wish to share this pattern, you may link to this pattern but please do not reprint/repost it on your site.  You may print and keep a copy for your own personal use but you may not sell or distribute it, or sell items made from this pattern. 


CajunBlu said...

I'm so happy you're posting again.  Good to have you back !!!  This little guy here is just perfect as a toy for my dog Maggie (Golden Retriever/Boxer mix).  Can't wait to see her try to let the "air out" of it like she does the soccer balls I give her.  This is going to be fun  :-)   I just need to locate a "squeeker" to put inside it.  Again, good to have you back and take it easy on your wrist, PLEASE !!!

WolfDreamer said...

I *love* making squeaky toys for my dogs! In fact, I had to buy some just last week to make/repair my dogs' toys. (they take paypal too :D)

Thanks for the note! It's nice to be 'back' (more or less anyway LOL)

ksksmdissj said...

I'm so glad you're posting again!

Started following your blog about a week ago, and i love your patterns!
This pattern is perfect for me as i am an "advanced beginner".

I started crocheting a week ago, and i dont know how to join rounds. If it's not too much trouble, Can you send me a link or something that teaches me?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It's great to have you back!! And, I hope you are well! You do such lovely work. Can I request Persian (I loved the Meowth you made)?

I have been trying to figure out how to design my own Persian, but I for the life of me, can't figure out how you do it. :P

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just a quick message to let you know that YOU ARE GREAT! I love your blog, and everytime you post a new pattern, I feel like a child at Christmas.. ;)
Thanks for sharing all this with us!
I want crochet some of your plushies as birthday presents for my friends (from 20 to 30 years old.. ^^'''), I can't wait to see their faces! :D
Thanks again!

Maria Rosa (Italy)

Vulpixgirl said...

OMG sooo cute! X3 I was wondering when you would post another Pokemon pattern (I'm a pokemon geek LOL). I'm gonna make this as soon as I finish up Mario, he's gonna be my friend's b-day present. Are you planning on doing Vulpix anytine soon? It's my favorite Pokemon. X3

Melyn said...

I wanted you to know that I discovered this in December and I have now crocheted every member of my family one of your patterns. This new one is just too adorable! Thank you so much for the wonderful, easy to follow, patterns!

Orianna said...

So glad you've posted another pattern, I adore them all so much! I crocheted all my friends different pokemon for Xmas pressies. They adored them! I've also made a few for myself in between making those. And now there's a Spheal, he's one of my favourites, he's adorable! Thank you ever so much for another pattern ^.^

Random Forest said...

Gosh! You're so talented! They all are really awesome. I love your dinos. :-)) I think I must learn to crochet if that means I could do such cool things. ;-))

Angie White said...

Would you be willing to make a pattern for (at the very least,) the sunflower plant from the game Plants vs. Zombies? I can't find one anywhere, and I'm still new to this Amigurumi-making (I made a Minion for my sister using your pattern!!) and don't think I could "wing-it" just yet! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm 12 and I love your patterns. Me and my sister love pokemon and I love crochet so this is perfect!!! I know you get lots of requests but could you possibly make a piplup or a chimchar as those are our favourite pokemon!!! :D

Anonymous said...

This pattern is sooo cute!! It also happens to be my sisters favorite! I'm 13 and have been crocheting for 7 years. This is my absolute favorite site. Up until about a year ago I was winging it on all my projects. I didn't know, or for that matter, want to know how to read patterns but when I found your site I learned! I just wanted to let you know that your site is VERY much appreciated! All your patterns are amazing! Thankyou so much!

I know that you get alot of requests( I know I could never keep up! =) ), but if you ever have the time, would it be possible for you to make a hat that looks like a pokemon? Maybe a mawhile(I hope I spelled that right) or a pikachu? Just wondering.

Thankyou again!!!!! =)

Emma said...

This is amazing thank you! Your plushies are so cute...

Can I make a little request? If you get the chance can you make a Politoed, it's just the cutest pokemon and I'm sure your kids would love it!

Vampier Keelr said...

I love pokemon and so do all my friends. I am currently making an umbreon for one of them. I would have finished one of the mario mushrooms (1up) but i ran out og green yarn. Also, I would looove for you to make a cubone. It is so adorable!(And I might get to keep the umbreon im making if I can Make a cubone.) A third thing, my friend that I'm making an umbreon for, her sister wants me to make a lugia, just a shadow lugia. My hands hurt just THINKING about all that crocheting.

kero92 said...

I've been following your blog since 3 months ago and i find your work just lovely :D I'm so happy you're posting again, i want to check all you have in store for us :) i've done your cyndaquil plushie already and ended up very awesome indeed, i'm most certainly going to do this one, and get ready to do Lugia...

PS. there seems to be a mistake at the copyright part, it says "Lugia" where it should be "Spheal"

WolfDreamer said...

Thanks for the heads up on the closing paragraphs. I do tend to copy and paste those, to save myself the time and then just change the date and name of the pokemon. Guess I completely let that one slip through LOL

thelovelychemist said...

Hooray! Churr back! Hope you're feeling better!

This spheal is so cute. I'm adoring those floppy manatee lips. x3 Gaaaahhh! I just wanna eat him up!

Anonymous said...

You should make a nine tails and an arcanine.

YAMI said...

Your work is amazing! do you think you could make a Kirlia and an Absol? want much!

fialka012 said...


Mel said...

Please make a Lucario! I'll love you forever... :D I love love love your patterns and I would die if you made a Lucario. Thanks for reading:)

Anonymous said...

I just saw this post, and I love all of your patterns! I was wondering if you would consider creating a Chansey or Blissey pattern any time soon (they are my boyfriend's favorite pokemon, and we just celebrated our 6 month anniversary, so I'd like to make him something special for that)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your work!! I'm quite new crocheting (I started on Christmas) but I have made your Lugia already! :D
Thank you very very very much for all your patterns, go on with that awesome work!

And sorry if I have any writing mistake... I'm from Spain and I don't speak english very well haha

rings said...

So so cute. Love your work. Love your patterns, thanks for sharing. Great to try something so cool.

crem-bru-laa said...

your work is absolutely amazing! i've only been crocheting for about 6 months and am now plushie-obsessed! but am nowhere near as talented (or patient!) to come up with my own patterns. seriously amazing stuff thank you so much for sharing them!

Katy said...

Great patterns!!!
My sisters are more into Pokemon than I am, but I still am a little. And I'm the crocheter of the three of us.
But I was wondering if you're planning on making the new Pokemon, like Tepig and Blitzle (did I spell those right?)?
I'm quite impressed with your ability to make your creations look just like the game characters! I followed your patterns for the Mario and Luigi plushies--but only the heads. My brother requested them.
And he was quite thrilled when he received them, too.
Thanks for the great patterns, Wolfdreamer!

Anonymous said...

Muchas Gracias, estan lindos y son muy originales. me estan sirviendo para regalos, etc. suerte espero q sigas mostrandonos mas de tu arte y nos enseñes mas cosas; besos chao

Julia Hiner said...

Awwh! He's so adorable! I love spheal, and most people are making him for their dogs, but I'm keeping mine! haha I love it! Please keep posting, I use your blog a lot, and I've even referred people to you on my blog. Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

I love your patterns!! My nephew loves them too, and thinks I'm the coolest aunt ever. I was wondering you were thinking of doing a Vulpix at all? I would love to make one for my niece. Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

very cute! do you think you could make tentacool, politoed (he looks like a frog pokemon.), chinchou, and hapinny? i'm a big fan of pokemon, too, and i enjoyed making the voltorb, electrode, and pikachu plushies you posted.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your patterns. Spheal is sooo cute! Can you post a snivy pattern? I'm a really big pokemon fan. And I would just LOVE to make a sivy. I spend all of my free time trying to find a pattern for one, but I can't, And thought if any could do it, it would be you.

Anonymous said...

What was the finished size of your Spheal? I wanted to know before I start.

Anonymous said...

Wolfdreamer omg hi! :D Im a huge fan of your work and can't wait to see what else you will post! I learned to crochet just to make these. I making this one as a starter since it looks awesome :O! Keep up the good work and hope your wrist gets better.

julia said...

i'm a young crocheter, 10, and i want to make a snivy. Do you have any references. or can you make one?

Anonymous said...

hola mi nombre es judith soy chilena y acabo de encontrar tu pagina ...y estoy enamoradicima de ella....tus trabajos son espectaculares....yo resien comienzo en esto...y me encanatria aprender de ti....estuve viendo los materiales de los patrones y me gustaria saber k tipo y numero de crochet utilizas y el grozor de la lana....bueno muxas gracias por tu tiempo y sigue asi......k tu tiempo sirve a muxas mas personas como yo gracias

snivy girl 123 said...

Can you make me a snivy pattern? I learned to crochet when I was 7 and doing it for 3 years. I'm 10 so I having trouble making my own pattern. Do you have any sugestions or can you make one. Please answer.

Anonymous said...

I just love your blog Im on it ever day. I would love it if you made a snubull

F1yF1y said...

OMG! Its so cute!!!!! I love spheal! You're patterns are really amazing! You should really try to make a Furret. Not many could shape it right, but with your skills you probably could!

Anonymous said...

I'm a little bit confused on spheal's tail. How did you (on the first row) go from 15 chains to 28 stiches?

Joyce said...

I love your Spheal pattern. I used double strands of yarn and a larger hook to make him bigger (about the size of a basketball) and he turned out adorable. Have you made a pattern for Victini, a Pokemon character?

Anonymous said...

I love this, tnx for addign this and making them!!! <3

Anonymous said...

I'm only 10 and my grandmother makes stuff like this. I LUV PKMN. PLEASE DO (plz dont think this is a lot) POOCHEYENA, TOGEPI, AND SWABLU. my 3 faves :3

Anonymous said...

ukelele pichu

Unknown said...

Okay I'm making this for my cousin and I am unsure of what you meant by 'separations' on the tail?

What is it and how do you do it?

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